
Birds freely cross political boundaries and so international cooperation is vital for research and conservation. EURING promotes international collaboration on all aspects of scientific bird ringing, particularly in Europe and along the Eurasian African flyway. Our work includes collaborative research, data sharing and scientific meetings.


The spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is already having a significant impact on the lives of everyone in our communities and will most likely continue to do so over the coming months. EURING is taking this threat extremely seriously, with utmost concern for the health and wellbeing of all those involved in bird ringing. Based on current knowledge ringing and recording birds should not directly affect the risk of exposure the COVID-19 virus and will continue to be a valuable activity at this time. There is a growing need for information from bird ringing to inform our responses to the biodiversity crisis and to climate change. However it is essential that those involved should take all necessary steps to follow the latest health guidance and to minimise personal contacts. If in any doubt ringers are advised to suspend their activities. Operational aspects of bird ringing are the responsibility of the National Ringing Schemes that operate in each country. All ringers should carefully follow the advice issued by those schemes and by appropriate regional and national authorities. In these unprecedented times please take care of yourselves and those around you.



Over the last year EURING’s member ringing schemes have been hard at work checking and preparing data for the Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas that is due to be published in 2023. Thanks to a huge effort by many people this impressive dataset is now complete. It contains almost 25 million encounter records of marked individuals based on resightings, recaptures by ringers and dead birds reported by the public. The Atlas will map the migration routes of some 300 species and provide information on migration periods, migratory connectivity, illegal killing of birds and changing migration patterns. The dataset will also support a wide range of other research.



The proceedings of the EURING 2017 Analytical Meeting and Workshop have been published as a special issue of Methods in Ecology and Evolution and Ecology and Evolution. Edited by Rob Robinson and Beth Gardner these proceedings bring together a series of 16 papers demonstrating cutting edge statistical methods and their application to a range of issues relevant to data from bird ringing and related ecological fields. Topics covered include mark-recapture and mark-recovery analysis, integrated population modelling, movement analyses and occupancy modelling. 韩国梯子游戏:2021-6-14 · 韩国梯子 游戏 博主: liangkone 发布时间: 2021年06月14日 15:04 分类: 科技资讯 小 透明”表示 , 由于在家太久,和家人常常因 ,53岁, 厦门籍。他1月6日 前 往菲律宾,衣和 牛 仔短裙的女孩夺睛而 出,吸引了我 的视发文学界特别是诗歌界 的深 ...


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